Lead Generation That Actually Works.
Hi! I'm Courtney. I take businesses from zero to 6 and 7 figures on Facebook Ads. I'm going to show you how to do the same thing for your business.
Finally! A Mini Facebook Ads Course That Teaches Business Owners and Solopreneurs How To Generate Leads and Grow Revenue IN LESS THAN AN HOUR.
Hi! I'm Courtney Smith, an accomplished entrepreneur and owner of three successful ventures. With a specialization in SEO, online lead generation, and FB Ads, I've led meaningful marketing campaigns for solopreneurs and business owners, helping them achieve six and seven-figure milestones. I designed this Facebook Ads Mini Course for the busy business owner looking to drive qualified leads through targeted campaigns.
``Facebook Ads Don't Work``
If I had a dime for every time I heard this. I understand. You've boosted posts. You are constantly trying to stay ``in the know`` every time Facebook changes Business Manager. You feel like you are wasting money and your FB Ads are only being shown to family and friends. Or maybe you hired an agency, and spent a pretty penny, but didn't get the ROI you had hoped for. Sound like you? You're not alone. Most clients from my marketing agency wince when I recommend Facebook Ads for lead generation. But guess what? I've taken many businesses from zero to 6 and 7 figures using Facebook Ads as their primary marketing strategy.
Solopreneurs and Business Owners
Got An Hour? Then you have time to learn how to generate leads with FB Ads!
This course is for busy solopreneurs, small/medium business owners, and marketers who want to learn how to leverage FB Ads specifically for leads. The course includes a step by step walk-through of building ads from start to finish in under an hour - with best practices that agencies like mine use to deliver qualified leads with almost any size ad budget.
One time course fee. Includes video instructions providing a step-by-step walkthrough of setting up FB Ad campaigns for lead generation.
Includes Free Bonus Sections:
Tips For Longterm Success With FB Leads
How To Create Buyer Personas For Each Ad Set
How To Maximize ROI with a Small Budget
Upgrade to $79 for a 30 minute 1 On 1 Zoom session with me where I help you set up FB Ads, troubleshoot current FB Ads or brainstorm an Ad Strategy session.