Lead Generation That Actually Works.

Hi! I'm Courtney. I take businesses from zero to 6 and 7 figures on Facebook Ads. I'm going to show you how to do the same thing for your business.
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Finally! A Mini Facebook Ads Course That Teaches Business Owners and Solopreneurs How To Generate Leads and Grow Revenue IN LESS THAN AN HOUR.

Hi! I'm Courtney Smith, an accomplished entrepreneur and owner of three successful ventures. With a specialization in SEO, online lead generation, and FB Ads, I've led meaningful marketing campaigns for solopreneurs and business owners, helping them achieve six and seven-figure milestones. I designed this Facebook Ads Mini Course for the busy business owner looking to drive qualified leads through targeted campaigns.

``Facebook Ads Don't Work``

If I had a dime for every time I heard this. I understand. You've boosted posts. You are constantly trying to stay ``in the know`` every time Facebook changes Business Manager. You feel like you are wasting money and your FB Ads are only being shown to family and friends. Or maybe you hired an agency, and spent a pretty penny, but didn't get the ROI you had hoped for. Sound like you? You're not alone. Most clients from my marketing agency wince when I recommend Facebook Ads for lead generation. But guess what? I've taken many businesses from zero to 6 and 7 figures using Facebook Ads as their primary marketing strategy.
Solopreneurs and Business Owners
I dont have time to learn FB Ads

Got An Hour? Then you have time to learn how to generate leads with FB Ads!

This course is for busy solopreneurs, small/medium business owners, and marketers who want to learn how to leverage FB Ads specifically for leads. The course includes a step by step walk-through of building ads from start to finish in under an hour - with best practices that agencies like mine use to deliver qualified leads with almost any size ad budget.
Get Instant Access


One time course fee. Includes video instructions providing a step-by-step walkthrough of setting up FB Ad campaigns for lead generation.


Includes Free Bonus Sections:

Tips For Longterm Success With FB Leads
How To Create Buyer Personas For Each Ad Set
How To Maximize ROI with a Small Budget


Upgrade to $79 for a 30 minute 1 On 1 Zoom session with me where I help you set up FB Ads, troubleshoot current FB Ads or brainstorm an Ad Strategy session.

What Does This Course Include?

I have designed this course so even the busiest professional can complete it with ease. Each short video shows you how set up ads that actually work! Read more about inclusions below.
This is where I take you to the beginning. I show you how to access Ads Manager, which is where the real magic happens. Did you know Ads Manager isn't what you see when FB recommends ``boosting a post?`` There's a unique, advanced dashboard and that's where I will teach you to build ads that generate LEADS.
Here I actually take you into Ads Manager and show you how to set up your campaign using a real time example for one of my businesses. You can literally copy everything I do when building your own lead-generation ads.
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One of the best things about Ads Manager, is the advanced targeting parameters available. Did you know that when you run an ad from your business page or you boost a post, you have very few targeting options? No wonder they don't work! Target down to the exact zip code, life event, status and interests in Ads Manager. Are you a spa owner? A Home Improvement business owner? A wedding vendor? Wait until you see the targeting parameters. You will wonder why you ever boosted posts instead of exploring Ads Manager.
Is Facebook targeting perfect? Of course not. But after I show you how to think like your ideal customer, you will be able to implement targeting strategies result in qualified leads. In this section, I share my secret for targeting brides to be for my mobile bartending company, Chesapeake Bartenders.
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How Much Should You Spend?
In this video, I provide all the details on setting campaign budgets. We go over the various options, and I share the strategies that have worked best for my client's campaigns. We set up a daily budget in real time (it's the same budget I use for one of my businesses).
Don't Think Your Budget Is Big Enough To Get Leads?
Think again. This is why FB Ads can be so impactful. I also run Google Ad campaigns, and while I love them, they are a different animal. Google Ads are just more expensive. I have personally, set up FB Ad campaigns for one of my businesses with a budget of $75 per month and gotten many qualified leads. In this video, I go over the least amount you should spend and how your campaign budget should evolve over time.
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Hate Writing? That's Okay.
Not everyone is a Wordsmith, and that's okay. But FB Ad copy needs to be compelling and speak to your potential customer's pain points. In this part of the course, I show you how to write copy that converts, including prompts in ChatGPT to help save you time.
Create Offers Customers LOVE.
Creating offers your customers love is one of the most important parts of conversion. If you want more qualified leads, you need to create various offers and test them. In this part of the video, I show you how to do just that. I also share the offer strategies that result in increased qualified leads.
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No Graphic Design Experience Needed.
Even if you have no design experience, fear not! You can create compelling ad designs that capture your target customer's attention and stand out from the crowd. In this section of the course, I show you how to create various types of ads including slideshows, static images, dynamic images and videos.
Canva For The Win!
Whether you are a Canva Pro, or have never used it before, I walk you through creating various types of ads using the free web design tool called Canva. Canva not only allows FB Ad creators to generate beautiful designs, but shaves hours of time off the creative process of ad design.
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I wish I could give more than 5 stars. Courtney and her team have made a huge difference in my business for the better. They are extremely professional and know what they are doing.

5 Stars 🏆
Bill JOwner, Dominion Deck and Patio

I’ve had the joy of working with Courtney for a little over 3 years now. With her help and ad management skills we have been able to scale to 7 figures each year with steady growth. It really has been incredible.

Year Over Year Growth
Shane HeathOwner, Battlefield Deck and Patio

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