Video Duration = 14 minutes
Welcome to the fourth video in the FB Ads Mini Course!
Not feeling creative? That’s okay! You don’t have to be a graphic design pro in order to create effective ads for Facebook! In fact, after testing hundreds of different ad versions from video to static images, you would probably be surprised when I tell you, it’s not always the fancy ads that perform best. Consumers are smart and they like authenticity and businesses that can show the work they are best at. So if you are a contractor, show those before and after pictures you snapped on your smart phone!
In this video, I show you how to use a free online design website called Canva to build creative for your ad sets. From static images to videos with music, I show you how to use the site and upload your creations in FB Ads Manager quickly and easily.
P.S. I pay for Canva Pro, because it includes features that I believe are worth paying for. The price for Canva Pro is really reasonable, so you might want to consider upgrading from the free version at some point.